Inspiring excellence: an in-person conversation between students and The Shaw Laureates

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Join top scientists and students in Hong Kong for a unique event fostering scientific curiosity and innovation.

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Students will be able to engage with Shaw Laureates in Hong Kong for scientific inspiration. Photo: Shutterstock

Our innate curiosity propels us to ask numerous science-related questions: “Why does Planet Earth revolve around the sun?” “Can we ever eradicate cancers?” or “Does infinity exist?” Here is an extraordinary opportunity for you to immerse yourself in scientific exploration and be inspired by world-class scientists in three different fields.

You are invited to enter “Inspiring Future Possibilities: A Conversation with The Shaw Laureates ”. Shortlisted participating students will have the opportunity to secure a place for an in-person conversation with foremost scientists.

Presented by The Shaw Prize Foundation and The Hong Kong Science Museum and organised by SCMP, the event is a moderated conversation between several Shaw Laureates – each has made groundbreaking contributions to such fields as astronomy, life science and medicine, and mathematical sciences – and a select group of secondary school students in Hong Kong.

The laureates will include Shrinivas R Kulkarni, recipient of “The Shaw Prize in Astronomy 2024.” Kulkarni holds the George Ellery Hale Professorship in Astronomy and Planetary Science within the Division of Physics, Mathematics, and Astronomy at the California Institute of Technology in the US. He has made groundbreaking discoveries related to millisecond pulsars, gamma-ray bursts, supernovae, and other variable or transient astronomical objects.

Co-recipients of “The Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine 2024” are Swee Lay Thein, Senior Investigator and Chief of the Sickle Cell Branch at the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute (part of the National Institutes of Health in the US), and Stuart Orkin, David G. Nathan Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics at Harvard Medical School. These professors have been recognised for their discovery of the genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying the fetal-to-adult haemoglobin switch. Their work has paved the way for a revolutionary and highly effective genome-editing therapy for sickle cell anaemia and β thalassaemia – devastating blood diseases affecting millions of people worldwide.

Peter Sarnak, recipient of “The Shaw Prize in Mathematical Sciences 2024,” is the Gopal Prasad Professor at the School of Mathematics, Institute for Advanced Study, and the Eugene Higgins Professor of Mathematics at Princeton University in the US. Sarnak’s contributions include developing the arithmetic theory of thin groups and the affine sieve. His interdisciplinary approach brings together number theory, analysis, combinatorics, dynamics, geometry, and spectral theory.

Also joining is Scott D Emr, recipient of “The Shaw Prize in Life Science and Medicine 2021”, Frank HT Rhodes Class of 1956 Professor of Molecular Biology and Genetics and Director of the Weill Institute for Cell and Molecular Biology, Cornell University, US. His landmark discovery of the ESCRT (Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport) has benefited processes central to life, health, and disease.

An exclusive conversation featuring these scientific visionaries and young minds promises to ignite curiosity, inspire excellence, and foster meaningful connections.

A spokesperson for The Shaw Prize Foundation says: “Leveraging SCMP’s strong ties with the student community ensures that the insights shared by the Shaw Laureates reach and resonate with a wide audience of young minds. This collaboration not only enriches the educational experience of students but also nurtures a culture of curiosity and innovation, inspiring the next generation of leaders and change-makers.”

Application process

Student applicants are tasked with submitting a 100-250-word piece that reflects their passion for scientific research in one of the following fields: astronomy, life science and medicine, and mathematical sciences. The shortlisted pieces are expected to convey the applicants’ enthusiasm and articulate how in-person engagement with the laureates can fuel their pursuit of excellence.


A maximum of 45 students will be shortlisted by the SCMP editorial team. Their selection criteria go beyond excellent writing skills; they seek those who possess an unwavering passion and the potential to make a positive impact. These students are the torch-bearers of scientific curiosity, ready to learn from the best.

Getting ready

On November 9, 2024, shortlisted students will attend an online pre-event briefing. It’s an SCMP-curated complimentary English journalistic writing workshop, tailored specifically for this occasion, focusing on interview techniques and storytelling skills. Armed with this new-found knowledge, students will be well-prepared to engage with the laureates and maximise the benefits from the upcoming event.

The big day

November 14, 2024 is the day of inspiration. The shortlisted students will immerse themselves in the world of the Shaw Prize at the group discussion to be held in the morning. Divided into three groups based on their interests, the students will interact with the laureates, ask probing questions, and engage in a discussion. They will learn from real-world experiences and connect with mentors who have shaped the scientific landscape.

The shortlisted students will also be invited to the “Roundtable with Shaw Laureates” event, which will take place in the afternoon. The laureates will share their thoughts and experiences in a roundtable setting on the theme of “Future in Science: Impacts and Breakthroughs.” Seats are subject to availability.


The programme also offers the students the chance to further deepen what they’ve learned by reflecting on their encounter with the laureates. They’ll pen a 250-word post-event reflection, capturing their insights, emotions, and new-found perspectives. The students will illustrate their reflections with photos taken during the event. And the best part? The top three articles will be published in Young Post, inspiring others and immortalising this transformative experience.

Key dates at a glance

Application period: September 23 to October 23

Online English journalistic writing workshop and pre-event briefing session: November 9

Event day: November 14

A journey beyond

“Inspiring excellence: an in-person conversation between students and The Shaw Laureates” transcends textbooks and classrooms. It’s a journey that bridges generations, ignites passions, and reminds us all that excellence is within reach. Young minds are the catalysts for progress. Through this programme, SCMP Young Post and the Shaw Laureates are nurturing the next generation of scientific leaders.

Submit your application here!

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