Big read

Temporary home for Hong Kong’s rescue animals

Kathryn Giordano
20 May, 2024

  • The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals opened its new flagship space in Tsing Yi, where they educate the public on animal welfare and care for abandoned pets

Wu Tsui is a cheerful rescue who survived an abusive situation. She is staying at the SPCA’s centre in Tsing Yi. Photo: Handout
Wu Tsui is a cheerful rescue who survived an abusive situation. She is staying at the SPCA’s centre in Tsing Yi. Photo: Handout
Stop and think

Why do Hongkongers tend to adopt small purebred dogs or cats?

Read and answer

Why does Dr Fiona Woodhouse think it is good for children to learn about animal welfare?

Think about it

According to SPCA staff, why have there been more cases of animal abandonment in recent years?

Stop and think

Why do Hongkongers tend to adopt small purebred dogs or cats?

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Difficulty: Challenger (Level 2)

Thanks to a recently opened building in the New Territories, rescue animals will have a new home with plenty of space as they await adoption.

The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) now has a new flagship location in Tsing Yi. The building is much bigger than its headquarters in Wan Chai.

The new location has classrooms for educating children about animal welfare. Children as young as four years old can learn by playing games. One game asks them to choose the correct food for each animal.

Children and their bond with animals

Fiona Woodhouse is SPCA’s deputy director. She said children are very empathetic. They can understand the pain and joy of animals. She said it is essential to teach children about animal protection. This will enable them to consider how their choices affect animals.

The building also has a pet hospital, training centre, and space to house abandoned animals.

The new Tsing Yi centre will act as a flagship for the SPCA’s animal welfare and educational efforts. Photo: May Tse
The new Tsing Yi centre will act as a flagship for the SPCA’s animal welfare and educational efforts. Photo: May Tse

According to SCPA staff, many more animals have been abandoned in recent years. This is because of the Covid-19 pandemic. It caused an emigration wave, and many people left their pets behind.

Animals receive medical care when they are rescued in Hong Kong. This care includes assessments for injuries and trauma. Veterinary surgeons might also give them vaccinations. Then, the rescues are put up for adoption.

Hong Kong: no place for mongrels

According to two SPCA staff members, mixed-breed animals are often overlooked for adoption. These types of pets are called mongrels. Hongkongers are more likely to adopt cats or small purebred dogs.

One example of a rescued mongrel is Wu Tsui. She was found in an empty Mong Kok home in 2020. Her owner had been hurting her. They left the starving Belgian Malinois without food or water. She was rescued four years ago. However, she is still very anxious and scared because of her past. SPCA staff also say Wu Tsui is very affectionate and energetic.

She has recently relocated to the larger space in Tsing Yi. Now, she is patiently waiting for a home to call her own.

Rescue animals have much more space at the SPCA Jockey Club Centennial Centre in Tsing Yi. Photo: The SPCA Jockey Club Centennial Centre
Rescue animals have much more space at the SPCA Jockey Club Centennial Centre in Tsing Yi. Photo: The SPCA Jockey Club Centennial Centre

Suggested answers

Stop and think: Reasons for adopting cats and small dogs include Hong Kong’s small flat sizes, the dense city, housing restrictions and the restrictions on animals on public transit.

Read and answer: Woodhouse said children are empathetic and can understand animals well, making it easier to learn about taking care of animals and how their choices affect them.

Think about it: SPCA staff said that the emigration wave resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic meant that many people abandoned their animals to leave Hong Kong.

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Read and answer

Why does Dr Fiona Woodhouse think it is good for children to learn about animal welfare?

Think about it

According to SPCA staff, why have there been more cases of animal abandonment in recent years?


left behind

emigration wave

when a large number of people move away from a place all at once


able to understand and share the feelings of another person or animal

flagship location

the most important store of a business


the health and happiness of a group of people or animals