
More jobs, better pay for Hong Kong graduates, but fewer plum management trainee roles on offer this year

  • About 17,000 jobs listed on universities’ portal, with average starting pay rising to HK$18,336 a month
  • Only 947 coveted trainee positions, lowest in three years, reflecting big employers’ downbeat mood

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Hong Kong’s eight publicly subsidised universities produce almost 30,000 graduates at all levels each year. Photo: K. Y. Cheng
There are now more jobs in Hong Kong for graduates compared to last year, but the number of coveted management trainee positions has continued to shrink, with human resources experts blaming the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to data from the Joint Institution Job Information System, a portal run by the city’s public universities, about 17,000 opportunities for entry roles were listed between January and March this year, 35 per cent more than during the same period in 2021.

The average starting salary for graduates in the first quarter of 2022 was HK$18,336 (US$2,338), up by 4 per cent compared to last year.

While the overall picture improved, there were only 947 management trainee vacancies on the job portal in the first three months of the year. The quarterly number declined from 2,531 in 2019 to 1,206 in 2020 and 1,049 last year.

The average salary for these highly competitive positions also declined slightly, from HK$20,344 in the first quarter of 2022 to HK$20,203 this year.

Hong Kong’s eight publicly subsidised universities produce about 30,000 graduates at all levels each year.
