
10 gross habits people have that make it more likely a virus will spread

As the Wuhan coronavirus spreads far beyond China's borders to countries around the world, here are common tendencies to avoid

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There is no cure for the new coronavirus which originated in Wuhan, China - but the same is true of the common cold. However, there are definitely things that lots of people do which make it more likely you'll pick up similar diseases. Stop these bad habits, and know that you’re doing your part to stop spreading infections.


1. Not washing your hands. Scientists will tell you this is the easiest thing people can do to stop the spread of disease.

2. Not covering your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze – or covering and then not washing your hands.

3. Picking your nose or popping pimples in public. An awful amount of germs live in and on human bodies, and are easily spread. Touching bodily secretions and then dabbing fingers over common surfaces helps germs to spread.

4. Not disposing of used tissues. Some people leave them on the subway, stuff them in taxi door handles or leave them on the bus. Don’t be that person. If you’re out, throw them in the garbage, or flush them down the toilet; or take them home where you can do either of those things.

5. Spitting. Anywhere, anytime, unless in the comfort of your own bathroom, and then do it in the toilet, and flush. We get that people do it to clear their lungs ... but think for a moment about what it actually involves ... thanks.

6. Leaving bodily fluids behind in restrooms. Not everyone in the world has toilets. Not everyone in the world has flush toilets. Even flush toilets vary hugely from culture to culture. But if you’re using a Western-style flush toilet, sit the heck down!
