Julian Ryall
Julian Ryall
Julian Ryall never expected to still be in Japan 24 years after he first arrived, but he quickly realised its advantages over his native London. He lives in Yokohama with his wife and children and writes for publications around the world.

Experts say while such bombs are usually safe and damage likely to be limited, the difficulty is in finding those that are buried deeper.


Hideki Makihara defended Japan’s use of capital punishment, despite debate sparked by the acquittal of a man wrongly imprisoned on death row for nearly 50 years.

The IAEA claims the soil meets safety standards, but critics argue spreading the contamination is dangerous and could lead to increased cancer risks.


Taro Kono says it is needed for national security, but his proposal was met with opposition due to Japan’s historical aversion to nuclear weapons.


Some experts believe the act is a strategically calculated move to weaken US alliances in the region and a test of Japan’s military responses.


Eighteen people have been injured by what is believed to be a single dolphin, which experts said might be acting out because it is ‘lonely’.

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