Cliff Buddle
Cliff Buddle
Special Projects Editor
A journalist for more than 30 years, Cliff Buddle began his career as a court reporter in London and moved to Hong Kong in 1994 to join the Post. He returned to the UK in August 2022. Specialising in court reporting and legal affairs, he has held a variety of editorial positions, including Deputy Editor and Acting Editor-in-Chief. He is a regular columnist.

A sports event cannot solve global problems. But the breaking down of barriers, and the friendly competition, remain as important today as they ever have.

The end of British rule in Hong Kong was greeted with mixed emotions, recalls Cliff Buddle, who reported on the handover for the Post. He explains why he is glad he stayed for another 25 years.

After 28 years renting in Hong Kong, moving to our own house in an English village felt great. The garden was a joy. But the novelty has worn off, and I miss what we left behind.

Asian hornets, famous for their murderous destruction of bee colonies, have started appearing in Britain. Cliff Buddle, who watched an attack in Hong Kong, and now lives in England, is on the alert.

Enthusiasm was low for recent local elections in the UK, even though they came as political parties prepare for a national election. I voted for the only candidate I’d met. So what if he is a Conservative?