Ariel Conant

“When you go out on the court you have to give it your all, you should never come off with any regrets or saying ‘I should’ve tried harder’."


For athletes around the world, training can be exhausting and rigorous. But for student athletes in Hong Kong, the physical challenge of sport isn’t the biggest obstacle. It’s scheduling.

Former South Island School student Marin is currently climbing Everest as part of the Grand Slam, an adventurer’s challenge to reach the north and south poles and more.

Some moments stick with you for your entire life. For football star Remi Dujardin, one such moment was his first game for Saint Bonaventure University (SBU) in the United States.

To an outsider, tennis might seem like a simple game. One player hits the ball across the net, the other hits it back. Back and forth; it seems pretty straightforward – even dull.

When we first talked to Rachel Tam Hin-ching back in September, she had her eyes set on an athletic scholarship for university.

When most student athletes talk about reaching new heights, they’re speaking figuratively. But when Timothy Lam Hin-chak says it, he means it – literally.

Most people think of tennis as a solo sport. Two players facing off against each other, staring each other down across the net. But Venia Yeung knows better.

Our planet is just a tiny speck in the enormous vastness that is the universe. Within that huge universe, there is plenty that we still don’t understand.

As Justin Mak found out, playing for youth teams - even at the highest level - is still worlds away from competing at adult level.

They say that running can be like a form of meditation for athletes. And Leung Ho-chun certainly has a very Zen approach to his sport.

Prison inmates in Hong Kong get more outdoor exercise time than primary and secondary school students, says a University of Hong Kong researcher.

At the Hong Kong Science Museum, Dr Helen Colley stands in front of a screen showing a picture of an ear on a mouse. This one is special – it’s a human ear growing on the back of a mouse.

Every sports star has to start somewhere. An old football handed down from an older sibling, some spare table tennis paddles from school, a cricket bat on loan from the local youth team.

Judy Hopps always dreamed of being a police officer. She wanted to stop crime and help make the world a better place. There was only one thing holding her back - Judy Hopps is a bunny.


No matter the sport, athletes are always at risk for injury. And rugby player Shona Jeanette Mihan is no stranger to the dangers associated with full-contact sports.

Here's a guide to what's happened thus far in the missing booksellers story, and the related facts, detailing how the confusing case has unfolded.